
Online Knowledge Test

As part of the accreditation process you will have to undertake an online knowledge test.

There is an Online Knowledge Test comprising a number of multiple choice questions taken from a bank of questions. This may be taken at any stage between registration and completion of application for accreditation. A pass mark of 80% is required however please note the test will be locked to the applicant for one month after each unsuccessful attempt.

Please note that more than one answer to any one question may be True or False.

If you get any questions wrong/fail the test then please get in touch with the administrator who will be able to tell you which questions you got wrong and given guidance where to find the appropriate material you require to answer the question correctly.

Mandatory Requirements – a log of work undertaken to achieve this section must be submitted NB the level and perspective of knowledge in different sections will vary according to the applicants’ core discipline, in some cases it will include knowledge of when to seek referral to a colleague of another discipline. Please refer to the written pack for further details.



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