
Below you will find a number of useful links to partner organisations, non-partner organisations, eating disorder websites and research and information websites.

CARED - Package designed for parents and carers of young people (aged up to 25) in Scotland who have recently received a diagnosis of an eating disorder and are about to or have just started treatment

b-eat - The Eating Disorders Associate site has good information about the eating disorders network in the UK and details of local self-help and support groups

Dove Self Esteem Fund - Dove Campaign for Real Beauty/Self Esteem Fund

Eating Disorder Association of Northern Ireland - is the eating disorder association of the Republic of Ireland and gives comprehensive information for Eire as well as good general information

Institute of Psychiatry/Maudsley Hospital - The Institute of Psychiatry/Maudsley Hospital site has good information and downloadable PDF's on medical complications of eating disorders and is kept up to date with research development

National Centre for Eating Disorders - The National Centre for Eating Disorders, UK, provides useful information

NES Supervision Guidelines for Nurses, Midwives and AHP's -

North East Eating Disorders Group - a local self help group in Grampian

National Eating Disorders Organisation - USA - The National Eating Disorders Organisation in the USA has a very comprehensive site and has a particularly good handout on "what should I say tips for talking to a friend who may be struggling with an eating disorder"

NHS Health Scotland - the site of NHS Health Scotland offers a number of leaflets on aspects of mental health and wellbeing, including eating disorders

Somerset & Wessex Site - The Somerset and Wessex site shows what a local area can do with input from health, education and voluntary agencies

Something Fishy - is a very comprehensive site set up by a husband and wife team in America with a combination of good information, sufferers and carers stories and comments and it is regularly updated

FEAST - a global support and education community of and for parents of those with eating disorders

Eva Musby - help for parents of children and teens suffering from Anorexia and other eating disorders

PEACE - a Pathway for Eating Disorders and Autism

The Anorexia Nervosa Intensive Treatment Team - the ANITT team is based in Lothian and this site provides some very useful information

New to Eating Disorders - book developed by the Faculty of Eating Disorders Executive Committee of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, edited by Dr Jane Morris & Dr Caz Nahman

Multidisciplinary Management of Eating Disorders - Handbook edited by Dr Jane Morris and Dr Alastair McKinlay

Sick Enough:  A Guide to the Medical Complications of Eating Disorders - Dr Jennifer L. Gaudiani (2018)

ARFID Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder: A guide for parents and Carers - Rachel Bryant-Waugh (2019) Routledge

Skills-based Learning and Caring for a loved one with an eating disorder - book by Treasure, J; Smith, J; Crane, A (2016) second edition Routledge

Supporting Autistic People with Eating Disorders: A guide to adapting treatment and supporting recovery - Kate Tchanturia (2021) Jessica Kingsley Publishers

The Royal College of Psychiatrists - The Royal College of Psychiatrists site offers leaflets in English and Chinese for patients, their families and friends and teachers, plus links to other organisations

The Royal College of Psychiatrists in Scotland - Eating Disorder Faculty

The Management of Really Sick Patients with Anorexia Nervosa - guideline from the Royal College of Psychiatrists

Junior Marzipan -

Anorexia Bytes - A Guide to the Management of Eating Disorders and E-Learning Facility

Meal Support Video for Families and Carers

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29/06/2023 - more»

02/03/2021 - Brief Strategic Therapy more»

07/06/2019 - Scottish Eating Disorder Conference 7th June 2019 Pittodrie Stadium, Aberdeen more»